Monday, July 15, 2024
Useful Resources for Brilliant Manufacturing, Operational & Industrial Intelligence Technology Enthusiasts!

Automation, Control & Plant Intelligence - Articles, Analysis, Reviews, Interviews & Views

Tom Cutler

Editor's Ramblings
Careers in Automation & New Technology

by Naeem Ismat (Guest Contributor)  |   July 04, 2007

One of the great benefit of being the editor of this technology web site is being able to work and learn leading technologies (both old and new) which are making the world a better place to live with both cutting edge products and business opportunities.


We also bring you technical article from leading experts who are working in industry. We recently added some very useful articles.


OPC represents an easy to use, ubiquitous, reliable method of communication. As a result of it being based on DCOM; it is well known by security professionals, but unfortunately is also known by virus writers and hackers…….

Check out ... Secure OPC Architectures by Adriel Michaud.


For a practical approach to automated software testing and explain requirements for its success,

have a look on Practical Organization of Automated Software Testing  by Herb Isenberg.


An interesting salary survey results for 2007.  which reveals the results of 2007 salary survey with interesting observations and Good news! In two years, the average overall salary jumped from $76,926 to $83,623...roughly a 4% increase per year. It pays to obtain an advanced degree (or even attend some graduate school)...those with an advanced degree have a $9,993 higher annual salary ($93,631) than those with a bachelor's degree ($83,638). An overwhelming percentage (79%) of respondents said they were either very .....

Have a look on it Automation: Salary Survey Results for 2007 by Rick Zabel.


Maybe you are still an engineering student, but you think about how to get a dream job in industry, where you can use and enjoy all the knowledge and skills acquired during these years of hard study.

Today more than ever, people with a variety of educational backgrounds are looking for careers in automation and controls industry. This is because this field has become a very dynamic, challenging and rewarding for one to pursue a career in. This is a career field where it is possible to earn above average salaries to very large commissions and earn professional respect. You can enjoy and play with best Plant Intelligence technologies practically.

Here are just some of the most popular jobs that a student or a new comer from Automation & Control Industry could practice:

  • Engineers (Automation Engineers / Controls Engineers / Project Engineers / Project Managers  /Automation Consultants / Automation Architects)
  • Designers (Electrical and Mechanical)
  • Programmers (PLC Programming, HMI/SCADA Programming, Visual Basic, SQL, C, etc.)
  • Technologists / Field Service Technicians
  • Application/Product Support Engineers
  • Managers (Engineering Managers, Sales Manager, Account Managers)
  • Technical Sales (Systems Integration Sales, Automation Product Sales, Equipment Sales)
  • Marketing
  • Technical Support Engineers / Systems Support Engineers
  • Other Technical Positions

When graduating from Automation and Control as majors you will have a wide skill base, covering key elements of process, mechanical, electrical/electronic and software engineering. But most importantly, after graduating from this school, you will gain important qualities like: logical and abstract thinking, problem solving, team spirit and pro-active attitude, managerial aptitudes. Automation and controls is used in a almost every type of industry these days. So, you should have a wide range of starting points when looking for a job. Your future career in automation and control will be a very rewarding one, and it will presume the continual implementation of new ideas. You will experience a real sense of professional achievement in making things work and a creative satisfaction of designing new control systems. Most positions also attract competitive salaries.


As graduate you could start from a lower position, but in short time, with hard work and dedication, you will be able to become involved in the design, implementation and commissioning of new control systems. In the later years you can become a Automation or Control Consultant, and will solve problems for clients or recommend future directions. Don’t give up and always look up!


Having a fascination with machines and computers, where you become inquisitive in learning more about its working all indicate a successful future in the automation career. Professionals who love exploring new and advanced technology and love solving problems are meant to follow a career in industrial automation. And most important, with a career in automation and controls, it is necessary that you be able to handle responsibility and pressure, and work as a part of a team.

There are numerous career options in automation and controls which you can apply and pursue according to your skills and interest. The choices include jobs in the aerospace industries, sensor industry, in environmental applications, mining and metals, the power industry, water and wastewater industries, computer technology and many other fields. In fact, automation and control professionals are now required in most of the manufacturing processes as technicians, engineers, technologists or managers.


All manufacturing and industrial processes work on a series of complex operations which have to be regulated using different instruments and control devices. These devices and instruments usually use programmable response and action devices called automation which work with control to provide the highest and best quality from manufactured products. It is automation and control that is responsible for the high quality of all, from soft drinks, tooth pastes and spark plugs to planes and medical products that we use today.

Careers in automation and control are very lucrative as you are offered great pay and benefits in return for the amount of skill and responsibility required in the job. You receive various career choices as you grow in this profession. With your understanding in production processes, there are wonderful opportunities for advancement in management positions when new companies install and upgrade their production systems.

So whichever path you choose as a career in automation and controls, you are sure to find that you have a never ending list of things to be learnt throughout your career in automation and control.


Lastly, I thank you, the readers, and hope these new articles will help to all. Please know that your feedback and suggestions are appreciated and provide a wonderful source of inspiration and keep us focused on publishing quality online Industrial information.


To your success,

Until next time,

Naeem Ismat

Popular Editor's Ramplings