Monday, July 15, 2024
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Submission Guidelines - Automation Media

Before you submit to our site, we would appreciate if you please read this page first.

AutomationMedia welcomes submissions of Press Release, Article, White Paper & Application. The Editorial Guidelines outline the standards the expects of all online content on this web site. These are for everyone who makes content for the, to help them deal with difficult editorial decisions.
Note: We reserve the right to use our editorial discretion when publishing your product and news releases on our site.

Press Release Publication: publishes industry news. To have your company’s product and news releases published,
Article, White Paper & Application Story Publication:
We publishes articles, white papers and application stories written and contributed by industry professionals and/or manufacturers, research candidates, freelance writers, seasonal writers and students.

To have your articles or white papers published on, please send us in electronic format.
  • Send your material to
  • for publication consideration.
  • Preferred formats include Microsoft Word, plain text.
  • Supporting pictures in either .jpeg, .gif or .png format.
  • Authors Intro and Photo (if you are contributing first time).
  • For more information on having your articles, papers or stories published, please don't hesitate to contat us.