Monday, July 15, 2024
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Jim Pinto's Connections for Growth & Success

Free Worldwide Telephone Calls

by Jim Pinto | from Pinto's Archive

Hey, until recently I've been making international telephone calls to friends and family at a steep price. Then I noticed a friend chatting endlessly with someone in Columbia, seemingly un-concerned about the cost. Then I discovered that they were talking on Skype - FREE calls, for both sides, anywhere in the world.

For Skype to be free, both parties must have Skype installed on a PC, with a speaker and microphone, and an Internet connection (low-bandwidth phone modem is OK, but higher-bandwidth is better).

It turns out that you can also use Skype to call any regular phone number (so the person on the other end doesn't need Skype too). And that's FREE to a number anywhere in the US and Canada - but only till the end of 2006; after that, to some of the most popular worldwide destinations, the unified rate is about $ 0.02 a minute.

Well, I installed Skype (weblink below). It was easy; took just a few minutes without any problems. I called my own phone number, and it rang! Then I called friends (free to any number in the US and Canada) and they said it sounded fine.

Every time I log on to Skype, they show the number of other people connected - usually in the region of 5-7 million. Wow! And they have a search engine to find other people who also have Skype.

I really don't know why I hadn't "discovered" Skype before. Now I'm a Skype-maniac now. On a recent trip to Las Vegas and Houston, I had a good Internet connection in my hotel and so, rather than incur roaming charges on my cellphone, I used Skype on my laptop instead. And you know what, it was great! The people I talked with were totally unaware that I was making a Skype call. And there were no "dropped calls".

I was surprised at how many friends and acquaintances DO have Skype. But, of course, it means they have to be connected to their computer when I call. But hey, to save big bucks I call my brother in India and tell him to get read for my free Skype call. But then, I run out of things to talk about after some minutes anyway. I don't know how some people seem to be able to talk for hours.....

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