Monday, July 15, 2024
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Jim Pinto's Connections for Growth & Success

Picks from Archive

by Jim Pinto

  • Human Population Explosion
  • Book - Computation for Humanity
  • Growth of Virtual Currency - Bitcoin
  • Perry Marshall Book - 80/20 Sales & Marketing
  • Solar Energy is Coming
  • Industrial Network Security
  • The Youtube Phenomenon
  • The Coming Tech-led Boom
  • Ten Tips for Generating Growth
  • US Manufacturing Uptick
  • Chindia Manufacturing
  • Game-changing Demographic Shifts
  • Stuxnet Cyberwarfare
  • Buying Big-screen HD 3D & Google TV
  • CONTROL Top-50 List
  • Pinto Prognostications 2011
  • Invensys' IOM Strategy is Flawed
  • Layoffs are Bad for Business
  • 10 steps to finding the right job
  • CONTROL Top-50 2009 - summary
  • Freemium - a plan for ISA resurgence
  • Pinto picks for 2010 Top-5 Automation Technologies
  • Cloud Computing is here, but security is key issue
  • weblogs getting management's attention
  • Top-5 Consumer-Rech Gadgets for 2010
  • ISA Iceberg Continues to Melt Down
  • Emerson's new DeltaV S-Series I/O revolution
  • Big Companies have Serious Disadvantages
  • GE will emerge as next Big Automation Player
  • Corruption of Capitalism
  • Documentary - Capitalism: A Love Story
  • Healthcare moves offshore
  • Making dynamic Powerpoint presentations
  • The Future of Capitalism
  • Water crisis looms
  • Global Outsourcing Revisited
  • Do's and Don'ts of Downsizing for Employers
  • The Multi-Purpose Gadget in My Pocket
  • GE Fanuc joint-venture dissolves - expect acquisitions
  • Bucket-list visit to The Barn - New Morley book, Techshock
  • RIFs, layoffs, cutbacks - Do's and Don'ts
  • Bigger is not better - Profit is a myth
  • Operational Excellence in Manufacturing
  • Automation Business Retreat
  • Strategies for the downturn
  • Software as a Service - Cloud Computing
  • Biotech Tsunami - growing new energy
  • Living in the Present Moment - Here & Now
  • Capitalism & the American Dream
  • America's Immigrant Ingredients
  • Debunking Third-World Myths
  • Kindle-2 eBook - E-Paper launch
  • Empty Titles in Lieu of Pay
  • Stimulus Vs. Bailout
  • Global Automation Perspectives
  • Whither the Automation Business?
  • Quit your Job - Become an Entrepreneur
  • Gateway to India
  • Pinto bucket-list report #3
  • Pinto family musings
  • eFeedback: January 27, 2009
  • Automation Majors Encounter Turbulence
  • 2009 Automation Top Technology & Market Trends
  • Half-Way Round The World in 90 Days - Thoughts on Teturning
  • Jim Pinto Bucket-List Report # 2
  • ABB growth roars - new acquisition-orientated CEO
  • Tipping Point in the Peak Oil Crisis
  • New workplace paradigms
  • If the world were a village of 1,000 people
  • Book: Vision for 2012
  • Reshuffling the Automation Majors
  • The wild, wacky wireless wars drag on
  • Performance-based pricing
  • The Youtube phenomenon - Jim Pinto's videos
  • Wonderful to participate in Pangea Day
  • Book: The post-American world
  • Lee Iacocca - Where have all the leaders gone?
  • The world's major religions
  • The roots of religious conflict
  • Left or right brain dominance
  • China low-ball pricing
  • Whither Automation Skills?
  • Religion in America
  • Global get-together - Pangea Day
  • Eckhart Tolle's New Book: "The New Earth"
  • Chindia & the Plummeting Dollar
  • The World Situation is Improving
  • Green is good for business
  • E-waste - dumping old technology products
  • Pinto Poem: Iraq War - Bush Lied
  • ABB CEO Fred Kindle exits over acquisition strategy
  • Why Rockwell is a primary acquisition target
  • Beckhoff Automation - strong growth continues
  • TED - short video talks by significant people
  • Futurists & Futures Forecasts (2008)
  • eFeedback:March 07, 2008
  • Top Automation Companies
  • 2008 Pinto's Pointers - Technologies & Markets
  • The dawn of Green
  • Traffic in booming Bangalore
  • Understanding the numbers
  • eFeedback:February 8, 2008
  • My month-long visit to India
  • Pinto columns written in 'Booming Bangalore'
  • MTL will be acquired by Cooper Industries
  • Motor, Drives & Automation Systems Conference
  • 2008 New Year Pinto prognostications
  • eFeedback:January 23, 2008
  • Who will GE acquire?
  • Invensys dangling in the wind
  • November 2007 DARPA Robot Race
  • Religious Conflicts - when will they ever end?
  • Who cares? American Apathy
  • eFeedback: November 15, 2007
  • San Diego & California firestorms
  • The Cisco factor in the wireless wars
  • Let's have some fun and make some money
  • Poetic justice prize
  • Generation Q - the Quiet Generation
  • eFeedback: October 25, 2007
  • More on big Pharma deception & corruption
  • ISA Expo 2007 - comments & feedback
  • ISA name-change debacle
  • Collaboration is a key growth enabler
  • Charity - where does it begin? And end?
  • eFeedback: October 12, 2007
  • The wild, wacky, wireless wars
  • Pinto Poem: The Industrial Wireless Quadrille
  • ISA - International Society of Automation
  • ABB plans for continued growth & success
  • Yokogawa still targeting process automation top-spot
  • eFeedback: September 25, 2007
  • Pharma Lobbyists - Blatant Corruption
  • Industrial/Military complex drives US economy
  • New perspectives on Disintermediation
  • Patent Law improvements banish the trolls
  • US education value fizzles
  • eFeedback: September 5, 2007
  • MTL makes 3 acquisitions in 3 months
  • Redefining leadership in global business
  • Medical tourism is growing fast
  • Book: After the Empire
  • Solutions to America's continuing problems
  • eFeedback: August 24, 2007
  • Declining middle-class - symptoms of larger issues
  • The caterpillar pillar
  • Tour of the Future - 2057
  • Keys to successful innovation
  • Book: The Strategy Paradox
  • eFeedback: August 7th, 2007
  • ABB considering Rockwell acquisition
  • The rise of the super-rich
  • Technology is making us stupid
  • How to make a dynamic Marketing pitch
  • Robot Podcast update - introducing Jeanbot
  • eFeedback: July 27th, 2007
  • America is going bankrupt
  • Cellphone futures
  • SICKO - Michael Moore's new documentary
  • ISA - International Society of Automation
  • Pinto podcasts feature new robot speaker
  • eFeedback: July 12th, 2007
  • Honeywell announces "OneWireless"
  • Industrial wireless standards
  • Women in Engineering
  • Engineer - re-engineer yourself
  • Apple iPhone débuts today
  • eFeedback: June 29th, 2007
  • Alchemists sell ICS/Triplex to Rockwell Automation
  • Disappearing Bees
  • Declaring eMail Bankruptcy
  • Google Streetside Views
  • Al Gore's Book - The Assault on Reason
  • eFeedback: June 8th, 2007
  • MTL Enters Wireless Arena with Elpro Acquisition
  • Beckhoff Keeps Growing & Growing
  • Guru Advice for Startup Companies
  • Employee Compensation Styles
  • My Life on a Memory Stick
  • eFeedback: May 24th, 2007
  • Higher Patent Standards
  • Iacocca - Where have all the Leaders Gone?
  • Water Wars on the Horizon
  • The Future is Female
  • How to REALLY Erase a Hard Drive
  • Fieldbus Fizzles; SP100=SP50 x 2
  • Google Keeps Growing
  • Microsoft Robotics Operating System
  • A Short History of Automation
  • TED - Videos of World-Class Speakers
  • eFeedback: Apr. 26, 2007
  • Infosys & the Flat World - Offshore Job Hunting
  • Mid-East Directly Enriched by Higher Oil Prices
  • Solving the Energy Crisis
  • The Postliterate Future
  • The Strategic Happiness Plan
  • eFeedback: Apr. 4, 2007
  • Infosys - Global Growth with a Conscience
  • Schneider Growth & Expansion Continues
  • The Roots of Automation Innovation
  • US Education Declines Through 'Asymmetric Motivation'
  • Oil & Al-Quaeda
  • eFeedback - Mar. 23, 2007
  • Top Automation Technologies for 2007 - Pinto's Picks
  • ABB Growing Profitably and Feisty Again
  • Pinto Visit to Bangalore, India, February 2007
  • Michael Crichton's New Book - "Next"
  • Iraq War Fatalities - Graphic Evidence
  • eFeedback - Mar. 12, 2007
  • Automation Majors - 2007 Pinto Prognostications
  • Invensys Leadership Changes May Signal Sale
  • Honeywell and Emerson Battle for Wireless Turf
  • Apple iPhone - Another Winner?
  • 2007 Hot Consumer Products
  • eFeedback - Jan. 24, 2007
  • Top-50 Automation Companies
  • 2006 Technology Advances
  • Automation World Innovation Series
  • Global Warming & Dimming
  • 2007 View of the Future
  • eFeedback - Jan. 08, 2007
  • Automation Wireless Growth Paradigms
  • Micro-Solutions to Macro Problems
  • The Re-Shaping of America
  • America's Oil Addiction
  • Blimericks Contest Winners
  • eFeedback - Dec. 07, 2006
  • Rockwell Sells Reliance, focus on Computers/Software
  • Micro-Loans help to Abolish Poverty & Build Self-Respect
  • The Public-Education Crisis in America
  • Washington K Street - Blatant Bribery & Corruption
  • The Soaring Cost of Political & Presidential Campaigns
  • eFeedback - Nov. 21, 2006
  • ABB Boasts a Breadth of Wireless Products
  • Wireless Mania at ISA Expo 2006 in Houston
  • Electronic Voting Anxiety
  • America's Population Growth is Healthy
  • Humans using Earth's resources too fast
  • eFeedback - Nov. 03, 2006
  • Emerson Launches Industrial Wireless Breakthrough
  • The specter of electronic voting fraud
  • Global warming - natural or man-made?
  • Cheap worldwide telephone calls
  • Book: iWoz - the ultimate geek's manifesto
  • eFeedback - Oct. 04, 2006
  • Honeywell Culture Drives for Leadership
  • Industrial Automation Wireless at the - Tipping Point
  • Free Worldwide Telephone Calls
  • World Happiness Map
  • Religions are a Divisive Force in the World
  • eFeedback - Sept. 20, 2006
  • China Rising - Facts & Figures
  • The Technology Treadmill
  • The Possibility or Probability of Global Calamity
  • The Balance between Masculine & Feminine
  • The great Blimericks (Bush Limericks) contest
  • eFeedback - Sept. 04, 2006
  • Pinto's List: 10 New Technologies for Industrial Automation
  • GE's Jack Welch - Fall of an Icon
  • ABB: Centerman out - Dormann Pushes Re-Structure
  • Artificial Intelligence - Hype or Revolution?