Monday, July 15, 2024
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Jim Pinto's Connections for Growth & Success

Employee Compensation Styles

by Jim Pinto | from Pinto's Archive

In the age of knowledge work, outsourcing and global competition, many companies still have employee compensation systems rooted in the past. In today's business environments, pay must be performance based.

Most of today's employee compensation systems were originally developed in the old, factory environment, stemming from how hourly workers were paid and advanced in the labor-orientated hierarchy. Having a job meant a fixed hourly wage (usually including paid-overtime for working beyond normal hours) with annual pay increases based on years of service with the company, the occasional bonus and an expectation of lifetime employment.

The best knowledge-workers can't just be paid for the hours they work - they may always be "working". They should be stimulated by the freedom to innovate and contribute to the business. That's the wave of the future.

This is what's revolutionizing human-resource attitudes in this new century. In the era of knowledge-work, employee compensation styles should adapt to achieve maximum benefits for those who generate results.

Read my latest article (May 2007) on

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