Monday, July 15, 2024
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Jim Pinto's Connections for Growth & Success

Google Keeps Growing

by Jim Pinto | from Pinto's Archive

Last week at the San Diego Venture Group meeting in San Diego I met Dr. Vinton G. Cerf, known as the "Father of the Internet" for his co-invention of TCP/IP protocol and his work on Internet architecture. For his contributions, he won the US National Medal of Technology in 1977; in 2005, he received the highest US civilian honor - the Presidential Medal of Freedom.

Vint Cerf joined Google in 2005, as their "Chief Internet Evangelist. His discussion was entertaining, stimulating and challenging.

Google continues its growth, a new-century phenomenon. First quarter 2007 profit jumped 69%, blowing past predictions. Quarterly revenue reached a new high of $3.66 billion, 63% over last year. Google has has now beat analysts' estimates in all but one of 11 quarters since its IPO August 2004. The company has established itself as the most profitable and most powerful business on the Internet.

Google "owns" Internet advertising. You'll notice Google advertising on many of the webpages. Hey, I just sit back and collect my fees, which keep growing consistently.

What can Google do next? After the recent acquisition of YouTube, last week display advertising company DoubleClick was acquired for $3.1B, just a small fraction of Google's $150 billion market cap. Google's next move will inevitably be to compete with Microsoft Office with web-based versions.

With a policy of hiring only the brightest and the best everywhere in the world, what can Google NOT do? Google Maps are already being used for a variety of things that were unthinkable just a couple of years ago. The company plays to its own strengths, freely giving away what it does best.

What next? Google will allow sharing of genetic information via the web, leading to new medicines and cures.

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