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Jim Pinto's Connections for Growth & Success

The Strategic Happiness Plan

by Jim Pinto | from Pinto's Archive

According to a recent business survey, less than 50% of Americans are satisfied with their jobs, more than at any time in the past 20 years. The trend is strongest among those under 25, with 61% being relatively unhappy. Less than 45% of workers in the 45 to 54 age bracket are satisfied. Older people seem to like their jobs more. Overall, dissatisfaction has spread among all American workers, regardless of age, income or place.

People living in New York, New Jersey and Pennsylvania are the most disgruntled (less than 41% satisfied) while people living in Montana, Idaho, Wyoming, Nevada, Utah, Colorado, Arizona and New Mexico were most likely to be happy - 56% said they were satisfied.

The thing that bugged most workers the most about their jobs were bonus plans and promotion policies. Workload and potential for growth were also rated poorly. Most people polled found their work and co-workers interesting.

Forget salary, location, prospects - Happiness is the new weapon in the drive to recruit the best and brightest new workers. A recent happiness survey found the most important factor is having friendly, supportive colleagues. A competitive salary was No. 10 on the list.

Employee happiness has a big impact on company performance. It influences work performance, employee retention and absenteeism. Happiness is inseparable from the real business of any organization and should be considered a key business goal.

Implementation and development of a strategic plan associated with Happiness is not just the responsibility of the HR Department, but of the CEO and top management team. A strategic happiness plan should include policies and procedures that allow employees to speak their minds openly, with their questions and doubts responded to quickly and effectively.

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