Monday, July 15, 2024
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Jim Pinto's Connections for Growth & Success

Solving the Energy Crisis

by Jim Pinto | from Pinto's Archive

Clearly, the US, Europe and the developed and developing world needs to solve the ongoing energy crisis before it escalates out of control.

We have often pointed out that nuclear fuel is the ONLY truly energy-efficient energy source. The problems of creating clean nuclear energy are far less than those of oil and any other conventional fuels. And yet we limp along, with the environmental lobby continuing to claim that nuclear waste is an insurmountable problem.

The French get 90% of their electricity and 50% of their total energy from nuclear plants. The Chinese plan to build at least 40 nuclear plants. Someone suggested that if the US resolved with conviction to emulate the French, the price of oil would drop back to $20 within weeks. So, asks George Gilder, why not issue bonds to fund a massive national campaign to build more nuclear energy resources?

American energy independence has several avenues to grow. There's plenty more oil on our continental shelves. And clearly we can drill cleanly in Alaska. And the Alberta tar sands and oil shale are virtually unlimited. Natural gas and Coal are plentiful. All these sources are real and available.

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