Monday, July 15, 2024
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Oil & Al-Quaeda

by Jim Pinto | from Pinto's Archive

Gasoline has now climbed over $3 a gallon in the US. Most of us grumble while we fill up. But we have no choice. Or do we?

Many think that America is in Iraq because of oil. To those who think that Oil is NOT a motivating factor, consider whether or not the US would be there if Iraq had no oil. I leave you to answer with your own logic and sensibilities. But also, consider this: Why does America continue to use Mid-East oil?

Frank Denton has a PhD in foreign affairs. He is the author of "Knowing the Roots of War" and several other important books. He spent a decade with the RAND Corp. before joining the US Foreign Service to serve in Afghanistan, Jordan, Egypt and the Philippines as well as in Washington. He has just written an important white-paper which I urge you to read (weblink below). You’ll find a pdf-file, if you wish to print for future reading (17 pages).

Says Frank Denton: Oil provides revenues for the Fundamentalists. An examination of the economies of Middle Eastern nations shows that the removal of oil revenues will render them politically inert. Recognizing this economic weakness, a global embargo of all Middle East oil imports is an attractive means for defeating Al Quaeda.

We must respond to this crisis by initiating meaningful developments for an environmentally sustainable energy future. Severely curtailing and then eliminating the reliance on Middle East oil will decimate the Islamic terrorists by cutting off both their emotional and financial support.

Here is a new depth of insight into the connection between oil wealth and terrorism. Frank Denton's paper makes energy independence an imperative to achieve national security. He calls for a national debate to take on the issues of Iraq, the War on Terror, and the development of alternative energy sources for national good.

Related links:

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