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Jim Pinto's Connections for Growth & Success

eFeedback - Mar. 12, 2007

by Jim Pinto | from Pinto's Archive

The inimitable Eoin Ó Riain [] from Ireland pokes a little fun at the CONTROL Automation top-50 list:
    "I think the Control top-50 list is interesting. Europeans ask, 'So what?'. They see it as an 'American' list no matter how it is produced.

    "American's asking questions at press conferences also evoke this type of response, 'typical American'. Indeed most Americans have no idea what that phrase means. Their questions usually are very relevant, but are couched in a too-direct almost aggressive manner, which most Europeans find amusing.

    "In Europe we handle things differently if not just as lethally! We try to make it as pleasant an experience as possible. We smile as we bury our knife in your back! :-)

    "Seriously though, I think that the American (US I mean) mindset is flawed in that it has a basic misunderstanding of terms like 'international' or 'global' or 'worldwide'. In the US, 'international' means the world outside of America. Is Canada international?

    "But, getting back to the CONTROL survey of the top 50. Their preamble admits that it has been getting harder and harder to produce a Process Automation Top Fifty for North America. As a 'global' survey, it falls at the first fence. You can look it up on the CONTROL website: '' I just love irony. Don't you?"

Naeem Ismat [] comments on the use of cellphones beyond just phone calls, text messaging and games:

    "You just mentioned fun stuff only, and forget our favorite topic - how industry is using these gadgets.

    "Lot of people are using cellphones outside the commercial world. Check out how Longwatch is using these gadgets for sending event clips (video alarms) to SCADA software, and to the cellphones of engineers and operators from remote sites. Now, sitting at home, without connecting to the office server, users can see on their personal cellphones and PDAs what is happening on remote sites, or on the plant floor. People can be quickly dispatched to remote sites to solve problems. New smart phones save costs and resources.

    "Plant and factory people are now getting direct event clips in their PDAs/cellphones. Similarly many customers who are using Win911 software, acknowledging alarms from cell phones. It does not matter where you are, you're in touch.

    "Many in industry are using non-industrial PDAs to access SCADA software displays and monitoring process variables with MS Terminal Server sessions on a PDA. In past, industry had no choice but to buy expensive industrial hand held terminals with range limitations. Now things are easy and cheap.

    "One wonders how the future will materialize with all these wireless gadgets..."

Bob Hope [] brings up a sobering thought:

    "I'm starting to worry that with the decrease of general manufacturing in the US, America will become more and more dependent on the manufacture of military goods, products where the US would not risk having manufactured in China or India.

    "If so, does this mean that the US will become more and more dependent on the production of military goods for a 'healthy economy?' Of course weapons aren't just stockpiled, but are built to be used. Does that also mean the US will become more and more reliant on global conflict to support the only major manufacturing base left in the country?"

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