Monday, July 15, 2024
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The great Blimericks (Bush Limericks) contest

by Jim Pinto | from Pinto's Archive

Hey, join the Blimericks contest: write your own Bush limericks on Entry is free and includes left/right, conservative/liberal, pro/con/neo-con, whatever.

Here are samples to tweak your urge to contribute:

  • Merle Borg, San Diego, CA.
      Our president - Dub the Decider
      A lot of us wish he were brighter
      The decisions he makes
      Are all heinous mistakes
      Come November we'll make his leash tighter!

  • Al Bell, San Diego, CA. USA
      Of Iraq, Bush says "Don't cut and run!"
      The chaos that follows won't be fun
      But Iraq is so stinkin'
      That I have been thinkin'
      Let's shout "Enough!" and be done

  • Sally Rosoff, Laguna Woods, CA. USA
      Behold our new king, the Decider
      Laws aren't for him, this divider
      He lies with impunity
      Flaunts his immunity
      While the rift in the country gets wider

The prize stands at $210 and grrrrowing; first prize gets 40% of the pot, with 5 second-prizes and 10 third-prizes.

Go take a look - already lots of good Blimericks posted.

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