Monday, July 15, 2024
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Jim Pinto's Connections for Growth & Success

Global Warming & Dimming

by Jim Pinto | from Pinto's Archive

I just watched the new DVD "An Inconvenient Truth", the articulate and enlightening communication on Global Warming by Al Gore. He starts with the comment that he "used to be the next President of the US".

The experts all agree that global warming is indeed occurring, though they are divided on just how much of it is being caused by humans. In any case, whether mankind is to blame or not, there is a definite trend and it behooves us to use our resources to find out what we can do about it.

Al Gore pointed out a key point: relative to it's size, Earth's atmosphere is about as thick as a coat of varnish on a sphere. We are affecting that thin layer and in some areas we are destroying it. Clearly humans are causing significant changes on the planet.

A related problem that's getting very little attention is "Global Dimming". Along with invisible emissions, there are many visible particles such as soot and ash that cause a haze which reflects the sun's energy. While the increased level of green house gases in the atmosphere is slowly warming the earth, the decrease in energy from the sun is acting to cool the planet, offsetting the effects. But this is NOT good; the bottom line is: humanity IS having a definite affect on the environment.

The world is about to experience a shift unlike anything ever seen before. Humanity must act now on climate change or face devastating economic consequences. Some estimate that at most we have about 10 years before the shift is unrecoverable.

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