Monday, July 15, 2024
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Jim Pinto's Connections for Growth & Success

Automation World Innovation Series

by Jim Pinto | from Pinto's Archive

At the suggestion of Gary Mintchell, the talented and insightful editor of Automation World magazine, I researched the process and art of innovation in the modern context. My series of articles on the subject may interest you.

Creativity is developing new ideas. Innovation is implementing creative ideas into valuable or profitable solutions. Innovation happens when organizations make money or gain value from creativity. Effective innovation is the timely and efficient implementation of new ideas that can result in significantly increased revenues and profits. What is your company doing to stimulate innovation?

In the past, innovation has been viewed as a creative process that leaps from the minds of a few imaginative people. But in today's global business environment, innovation must be developed as a reliable, measurable process that yields consistent, positive results.

As the global innovation center-of-gravity shifts, the long-term economic implications are enormous. Looking back, the last major innovations in industrial automation were in the mid-'70s - DCS and PLC. Will wireless be the next big innovation breakthrough?

Products are becoming commodities in the fast-moving new global business environment. To succeed, businesses need a competitive differentiator – a proprietary edge which can only be developed through innovation, knowledge and experience.

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