Monday, July 15, 2024
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Blimericks Contest Winners

by Jim Pinto | from Pinto's Archive

You may recall that we ran a Blimericks contest about 3 months ago - for original limericks on GW Bush:

There were 125 good entries and the contest is now over. Now the winners have been announced and the cash-prizes are being awarded.

The objective panel of judges stressed rhythm instead of rhyme, and they eliminated some good Blimericks that didn't quite follow the limerick cadence.

Here are the top-2 winners for your enjoyment:

    First prize: Charles Brody (Chompy), Billericay, UK

      For his birthday George Bush got a pair
      Of fatigues with a blood-spattered tear
      A gift from the dad
      Of a guy in Baghdad
      With a postcard signed, "Wish you were there."

    Second prize: Richard Harrison, Venice, Florida, USA

      This reminder for each Democrat
      Our party will give tit-for-tat
      "R" is how we began
      And we end with "I CAN"
      While the end of your party spells "RAT"

While almost all of the Blimericks posted were negative on GW Bush, you'll note that the second prize award demonstrates some fairness. (smile)

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