Monday, July 15, 2024
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The Possibility or Probability of Global Calamity

by Jim Pinto | from Pinto's Archive

In this first-decade of the new century (and millennium) things are definitely heating up. An increasing number of significant events point toward big changes in the near future.

The most significant trends:

  • Climate change (rapid shift of global weather)
  • Shrinking global oil supply (new energy era)
  • Dwindling supply of drinking water
  • Possibility of a global pandemic
  • Terrorism escalating (world is reactive, instead of pro-active)
Framed in the context of a fragile international financial system, a major disruption within the next decade is almost a certainty.

Over past centuries, many religions have warned about "Armageddon" and the final days. Now many leading scientists are warning about end-of-the-world possibilities, and even probabilities.

This past week, you may have seen ABC 20/20 coverage of the biggest threats which may bring about the end of the world. (Link below) Several of the world's top scientists described the deadliest threats to humanity. Some can destroy the planet; others may render humanity extinct.

The 7 deadly scenarios:

  1. Global Warming/Climate Change
  2. Germs/Disease: Plague and Bioterrorism
  3. Nuclear War
  4. Asteroid Strike
  5. Super Volcano, including one in Yellowstone National Park
  6. Machines - Artificial Intelligence
  7. Death of a Star: Gamma Ray Burst and Black Hole

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