Monday, July 15, 2024
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Jim Pinto's Connections for Growth & Success

Pinto Prognostications 2011

by Jim Pinto | from Pinto's Archive

After the global downturn, most automation companies are growing again, primarily through international markets where new factories and plants are being built.

In US and European markets, the installed base of automation systems reaching the end of their useful lives represents a big opportunity. Automation suppliers have expanded their offerings for upgrades, in some cases plug-in replacements for competitors systems.

Here are my picks for automation technology that will make an impact this year:

  • Control Systems Security:
    After the July 2010 Stuxnet attack, automation systems security has become a critical issue. Security chips will now be in every switch port. Expect lots of new security-related offerings.
  • Industrial wireless:
    Some of the automation majors report sizeable wireless-related revenues, but these include accessories and support products and services; no large coups to brag about. Hopefully, the initial success will stimulate wider usage in larger projects this year.
  • Cloud-computing:
    This new arena is burgeoning in business environments. Even in industrial environments, growth is starting to emerge because of the growing burden of technology obsolescence, plus continuing support for rapidly changing software. All but the most critical components will be run "in the cloud".
  • Diagnostics:
    Embedded operating information and diagnostics will be included in more new automation products and systems. Self-diagnostics will migrate into lower cost products, and will become an "expected" standard feature.
  • Consumer Technology Adaptations:
    In a down market, with tight budgets, companies will look for adaptations beyond the same-old, same-old tweaks and extensions. iPad, iPhone and Droid apps will appear as new features and functions in many automation products. More diagnostics and service functions will be accessible via mobile phones.
The sleeping giants - robotics, vision, complex adaptive systems - continue to doze, with discernable, but still only incremental advances.

The international Top-10 automation lineup will certainly change, with mergers, acquisitions and divestitures. The question remains - which company is large enough to acquire whom? As China and India advance rapidly in the new decade, expect one or both countries to make major automation acquisitions to enter US and European markets.

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