Monday, July 15, 2024
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Jim Pinto's Connections for Growth & Success weblogs getting management's attention

by Jim Pinto | from Pinto's Archive

The blogging phenomenon is transforming politics, business and society on a broad front. Weblogs, or "blogs" for short, represent millions of online comments linked together into a vast network of individuals and businesses. According to Business Week, weblogs are the most explosive outbreak in the information world since the Internet itself.

The website features weblogs on all the major automation Companies: ABB, Emerson, Honeywell, Invensys, Rockwell, Schneider, Siemens and Yokogawa. If GE enters the automation business in a big way (by acquiring Invensys or Rockwell) they'll get a weblog.

Many of these blogs are attracting more than 1,000 visits per day, and when something controversial comes along, the traffic shoots up to many times that number.

Why does do these blogs? Because there is a BIG demand. In this recessionary environment, many comments are clearly generated by disaffected employees and represent an outlet for people who have no other way to communicate within their own company.

I do try to calibrate the input, to make sure it is NOT simply from a competitor. It's all too easy to ghost-write a complaint about specific people or situations. I review each incoming blog, and remove overly negative material, or stuff that simply looks like rumors. I don't like "rumors".

Blogs are shaking up just about every business. In this period of accelerating change, it's evident that senior management in all the automation companies read these blogs regularly. I've encouraged the people I know to respond and some of them do, though it can attract more flack. But that's good, and it often effectively mutes the critics. I recommend it strongly - it's better than pretending to ignore the barbs. weblogs have often outed news that is flatly denied by management, which makes them look silly when it eventually surfaces.

Typically, your name and email address will NOT be published in the weblog, unless specifically requested. However, including your name/email adds credibility - especially if you are at management level.

II'll appreciate your feedback for my efforts. And, if you care about your company, perhaps you can encourage more people to weblog positive inputs.

I like to e-hear from you and will ALWAYS respond.
Please e-send your news, views and stews, your tips and alerts.
If smell something fishy in your pond, please e-let Jim know and I'll check it out.

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