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Documentary - Capitalism: A Love Story

by Jim Pinto | from Pinto's Archive

No matter what you think of Michael Moore, you must see his latest documentary which came out in theaters a week ago.

What Michael Moore excels at is humanizing. He shows us just who is affected by Crony Capitalism, and why. He shows real people being thrown out of their homes, being pushed out of their jobs, being paid a pittance to survive.

Michael Moore's America is made up of those who have worked hard all their lives, but have little or nothing left. He shows openly how they are being looted by people that can only be described as white-collar sociopaths. They have no recourse.

This movie isn't just an emotional piece. Michael Moore lays out evidence for the viewer. He demonstrates the ingenuity with which big-money boys have landed on their feet while stepping on everyone else. Some people consider Michel Moore "anti-American." I challenge anyone to find even a little hatred towards America in this movie.

I had one big surprise. The movie explains how big companies have life-insurance policies on rank-and-file workers without their knowledge; when the employee dies, the company gets a tax-free benefit. It's actually called, "Dead Peasants" insurance. Look it up on Google.

Several experts are challenged to explain "derivatives". (Can YOU explain what they are?) Try to get an explanation from any financial person you know. You'll be amused.

Michael Moore asks scholars and clergymen to find any sort of moral justification for Capitalism. One priest flatly states that Capitalism has become "radically evil".

I thought Moore sometimes makes sweeping generalizations about some very complex issues. For example, he offers "democracy" (a political term) as an alternative to "capitalism" (an economic one).

Go see the movie. At the very least, you'll recognize the insidious evils of Capitalism gone corrupt.

Time - Michael Moore's Capitalism Goes for Broke

Christian Science Monitor - Review

Capitalism has proven it's failed

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