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Global Outsourcing Revisited

by Jim Pinto | from Pinto's Archive

Outsourcing is typically a short-term expedient. In the current recessionary business environment, global outsourcing has a negative connotation - it means firing American workers and shipping jobs to less-developed countries where wages are low and labor laws are lax. Would globalization work without cheap, exploited labor plus enforcement of US-equivalent regulations? Probably not. A more enlightened, strategic view is starting to emerge.

Outsourcing does not guarantee cost savings. Typically, it is a short-term expedient and most of the benefits accrue outside of the company. Here are some common global outsourcing problems:

  • Cost Expectations: Wage comparisons do NOT equate to cost savings.
  • Transfer costs: It takes time and effort to transfer knowledge.
  • Security: High risks of information technology security breaks.
  • Knowledge and Intellectual Property: Loss business process secrets.
  • Product Safety: Regulations are far less than US or Europe.
  • Corporate Culture Change: Major miscommunications caused.
The attitude among US employees to outsourcing is understandably defensive and critical. With US unemployment rising above 10% and estimates of real unemployment climbing to more than 15%, the idea of cutting American jobs and shipping them abroad is offensive to many. The mooted "savings" incurred simply isn't enough to warrant the human cost.

A more enlightened, strategic view of global sourcing is starting to emerge as managers get a better fix on its downsides as well as potential. The new buzzword is "transformational outsourcing". Many are discovering that outsourcing is really about corporate growth - making better use of skilled US staff, typically locally outsourced; not just cheap wages abroad.

The cost savings from global outsourcing are small compared to the enormous gains in efficiency, productivity, quality and revenues that can be achieved by fully leveraging local talent.

Automation World (Sept. 2009) - Global Outsourcing Revisited

Offshore Outsourcing: What's Working, What's Not

Top 10 Risks of Offshore Outsourcing

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