Monday, July 15, 2024
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Jim Pinto's Connections for Growth & Success

Bucket-list visit to The Barn - New Morley book, Techshock

by Jim Pinto | from Pinto's Archive

After my recent vacation in Greece, I made another 'bucket-list' trip: a visit my old friend Dick Morley at his hideout in Mason, New Hampshire - "The Barn".

Dick lives with his wife Shirley in a house a stone's throw away, on an enormous country estate in the middle of nowhere. It was indeed a challenge to find around midnight when we arrived. No cellphone signal; pitch dark, with no lights to read the road signs; no one around to ask... I began to suspect that this was a maze, with my friend grinning at the center as the prize.

We found the famous techno-guru ensconced at his large desk in the Barn, perched behind his Fat-Mac with a couple of screens, and surrounded by great gobs of geeky gear. Dick has had a couple of knee operations and wheels himself around, napping now and then, and sleeping only occasionally.

Rather than stay at a nearby hotel, we decided that it was part of my bucket-list to actually sleep at the Barn. So we stayed for a couple of days in the rather nice studio apartment upstairs that Dick reserves for good friends. The special benefit is that you can come down at any time of the day or night and catch the uber-geek in his lair, ready to pontificate on any techno-topic.

We spent a couple of delightful days discussing technology futures, viewing Morley's magic which brings a T-1 Internet connection via a remote wireless tower to the middle of nowhere, sampling the secrets of Dick's special chocolate, having tea with Shirley in her gazebo, visiting with some of Morley's many children who popped in now and then. All in all, a truly bucket-list experience for me.

Hey, I'm happy to announce Dick Morley's new book, to be published mid-September 09. It features 64 articles covering a wide range of industrial and techno-topics. In typical Dick Morley fashion, the "Father of the PLC" doesn't hold back expressing his views on a world that is undergoing major technological change.

Segmented into nine general parts, this book is an easy read and will provide you with valuable exposure to the unique views, interpretations, and philosophies that have made Dick Morley such an influential force in past, present and future technology ideas.

In this, his second collection of articles, Dick Morley lends his unique views and insights on various technologies, manufacturing and business practices, and life in general. You can't help but learn from his informative, yet entertaining, approach.

Buy the book! Order by 17 September and SAVE 15%! Direct ISA telephone: (919) 549-8411.

Online orders - use coupon code 091009 for 15% discount - Techshock - Caution: Future Under Repair

"The Barn" - website

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