Monday, July 15, 2024
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Jim Pinto's Connections for Growth & Success

Living in the Present Moment - Here & Now

by Jim Pinto | from Pinto's Archive

After a hectic working life, when I retired (which to me means, doing what I wish to do) I thought I'd learn to meditate - you know, sit down and discover stillness. Turn off the TV and any distractions; just sit and still your mind.

Well, that's not easy - have you tried it? Your "monkey mind" keeps jumping around, from the events of the past to the possibilities and problems of the future. Back and forth. Never settling in the present moment, the NOW.

I read lots of old books I had previously put on the shelf for just this time. I studied what the Dalai Lama had to say about meditation. I read about the different kinds of Indian Yoga. I started to practice "mindfulness" - living in the Now. I made this the topic of my speech at my local Toastmasters group. And they loved it!

My first Youtube video was also my first "guru" talk on this subject - how we can master our "monkey-minds" and start dwelling in the present moment - here and now.

Well, I made other videos - my poem "Bush Lied", written in March 2008, the fifth anniversary of the Iraq War, which was a minor hit (relatively speaking - over 1,000 views in the first few months).

Then I did a few video versions of my ISA InTech "Pinto's Points" - which were well received, though not too exciting. Heck, my guitar rendition of "Sioux City Sue" got more views. My videos of my grandson Siddhu doing magic, and learning to ride a bike, have become quite popular with our family, but not broadly viewed.

But, you know what? That first video, "Living in the Present Moment - Here and Now" continues to attract a much broader audience. It's view-count has exceeded all my other videos, and it continues to get several hits per day from all over the world. I suppose it might yet become a "viral spiral".

One feedback on the Youtube website says,

    "Something happened to me when I did this. I can't believe nobody is teaching us this at school. This is weird: I argued with my girlfriend yesterday but after practicing these instruction, my behavior suddenly felt stupid. I can't believe I was only doing nonsense for the last 17 years. Guys, let's do it, come on, spread the message everybody."
Hey, go view the video, and maybe it will "change your behavior". I'll appreciate your personal feedback. Directly, or on Youtube.

Living in the Present Moment - Here & Now

Jim Pinto's other videos

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