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Jim Pinto's Connections for Growth & Success

eFeedback: January 27, 2009

by Jim Pinto | from Pinto's Archive

Paul Grignon [] the originator of the video "Money as Debt" (enews 4 Nov. 2008) wrote:
    "I am gratified that my video has spread so successfully over the Internet. Thank you for mentioning my website as I do depend on DVD sales to keep going.

    "My source at the American Monetary Institute ( tells me that the fractional reserve requirements in most common use in the USA are: ZERO on the first $7 million in deposits; 33:1 on the remainder.

    "Here in Canada, our central bank abandoned statutory reserves in 1991 and no longer sets fractional reserve requirements at all. Banks manage themselves."

How money is made - a film by Paul Grignon

Jim Pinto Note: 'Money as Debt' has been watched by over 2 million people (est). Versions are available in many languages: Spanish, German, Dutch, Italian, Slovenian, Czech, Russian.


Joe Waszgis [] on the financial mess:

    "I do not approve of the US Govt. bailing out these companies with my money. Where did Uncle Sam come up with $700B+ anyway? More loans that we can't and never will pay off. We borrow and borrow. It's time in this country for us to live within our means.

    "I make my house payment every month on time, every time. I pay all of my bills on time. Those who took out housing loans that they can't afford, deserve to lose their house. And those institutions that made loans to people who were not credit-worthy should also lose as that is the dice they rolled.

    "Those people who run Freddie Mac, Fanny Mae, and AIG need to be shamed in the public light. But they will get millions and walk away. There is something seriously wrong with all of this. And yet no one has the balls to say so. Shame on us!"

Will Lane [] writes about ISA's uphill battle:

    "I sure hope you are correct about the changes to the ISA. In recent years many of the large instrumentation and automation suppliers have bailed out of the ISA show due to dwindling attendance and the exorbitant cost that ISA wanted for booth space. Most have set up their own "exchange" shows for themselves and their support suppliers.

    "From the instrument engineer's perspective, the cost to attend the show is high, and the cost of classes even higher. The cost for ISA books seems to be very high to me personally, having recently paid $45 for a 1/4 inch thick, paperback book on loop-tuning.

    "If ISA does not again become the well respected society for instrument and automation professionals, we will likely see new organizations start up to fill the needs of professionals that they no longer effectively serve."

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