Monday, July 15, 2024
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Jim Pinto's Connections for Growth & Success

New workplace paradigms

by Jim Pinto | from Pinto's Archive


Traditional manufacturing dates back to the industrial age with the growth of large-scale production in hierarchically structured organizations. Most factories had full-time workers, and most people remained with the same company till they exited with a pension.

This kind of employment has little place in today's workplace. Rising health costs are making company-sponsored long-term health plans unaffordable. Further, long-term pension funds are becoming an unacceptable financial burden.

Today's factories have geographically dispersed knowledge-workers operating round-the-clock. At the end of an individual's workday, activities are transferred to team-members in other parts of the world - US, India, China, Europe - who are working during the daytime in that country.

This use of sequential workers is similar to the shift-style workforce that evolved during the industrial revolution, which had a profound impact on manufacturing. This same concept is relevant for semi-structured work in many professional arenas such as finance, product development, marketing comm. and IT.

For what is left of traditional workplaces, walls and square offices should be turned into open environments with common work areas and quiet spaces. The old, prestigious personal spaces should be replaced with team space.

New office tools - computers, PDAs, wireless connectivity - should be readily available for all employees, facilitating effective communications and productivity. Offices should provide quick and easy file transfer and e-mail connectivity, whether the worker is in the office or at a remote location. Follow-me telephone numbers should be assigned to individuals rather than tied to physical locations. The concept of the "personal secretary" anchored to the office location is obsolete.

In the new paradigm, old-style HR departments disappear. New "facebook" style networking should link employees (local as well as international) to develop camaraderie and a close-knit family atmosphere.

Factories and manufacturing work places should, like offices, make strong efforts to be warm, welcoming places; they should look good - small, efficient, clean and happy places to work. Productivity and efficiency will follow.

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