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Pinto Poem: Iraq War - Bush Lied

by Jim Pinto | from Pinto's Archive

Here are some of the verses of a poem I wrote for the 5-year anniversary of the Iraq War, 19 March 2008.

T'was March 19th, 2003
Bush said Saddam had WMD
He ordered Americans to go to war
Launched missiles and bombs with "Shock & Awe"
Bush lied, but no one died.

Just six weeks later, the first of May
Bush landed on a carrier in a flight-suit that day
“Mission Accomplished!” he then declared
A photo-op with the world he shared
Bush lied, by end May 176 Americans died
And how many Iraqis?

The fighting continued, excuses were gone
But Bush he was brash, he said "Just bring ‘em on!"
The reports they came in, "Oh gosh, golly, gee!
Saddam never, ever had any WMD!"
Bush lied, by 2004 1,334 Americans died
And how many Iraqis?

Iraq to 9/11 was never connected
Cheney kept harping but was never corrected
Al Quaeda was not in Iraq before
But now they are there and growing more and more
Bush lied, by 2006 3,113 Americans died
And how many Iraqis?

The price tag $3 trillion, the cost of that lie
How much Health & Education could that money buy?
And now they're inflaming the worst of our fears
McCain says "We’ll be in Iraq for 100 years!"
Bush lied
5 years later, by March 2008, 4,000 Americans died.
And 30,000 Americans wounded
Estimated 100,000 Iraqis dead, and 1 million Iraqis wounded
Bush lied!

This poem has already been published by newspapers and websites worldwide. Feel free to copy and/or publish.

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