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Jim Pinto's Connections for Growth & Success

Beckhoff Automation - strong growth continues

by Jim Pinto | from Pinto's Archive

My discussion of the CONTROL/ARC list of "Top 50 Automation Suppliers" (eNews 8 Feb. 2008) generated a lot of feedback and criticism. Several people brought up their own definitions of "automation" plus names of companies that clearly should have been on the list. I did, of course, send appropriate feedback to Editor Walt Boyes and he assures me that the CONTROL List, the only one of its kind, will continue to improve.

There was one BIG omission that I must point out: Beckhoff Automation clearly should have been on both the Global and North American Lists. With 22 international subsidiaries, Beckhoff 2007 revenue was more than $300M, focused completely on advanced automation technology products (I/O systems, controllers, HMI, Software).

In May 2007, I published an article on the corporate culture of Beckhoff Automation (weblink below). When I attended the Hannover Fair in Germany during the 80's and 90's, I watched as Hans Beckhoff built his company with an amazing array of industrial computers and I/O products. Each year, we'd have a drink and a chat on the Beckhoff booth, discussing the perils of "scaling up" past the entrepreneurial stages. By now Hans was my friend, and I saw his factory in Verl, visited his home and met his family. As the years passed, I've watched with respect and admiration as he continued steadily to build the talent and the team to fuel growth.

Now, a decade later, Beckhoff Automation has grown well past the Phase-2 $100M barrier and continues to grow steadily. In 2007, over 20% growth to $300M; 2006, 26% growth, to $250M; 17% (2005), 31% (2004), 27% (2003).

Hans Beckhoff continues to be the Chief Technology Officer. His technology mantra is, "Never do anything in hardware that you can do in software". He guides the growth of his company with a "10 in 10" mission - a plan to increase revenue 10 fold in 10 years (about 26% annually). It will be interesting to see how Beckhoff breaks through growth phases 3 and 4.

I like Hans Beckhoff and his company. A lot.

Beckhoff keeps growing & growing:

Beckhoff Website:

Beckhoff summary on Wikipedia:
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