Monday, July 15, 2024
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Jim Pinto's Connections for Growth & Success

2008 Pinto's Pointers - Technologies & Markets

by Jim Pinto | from Pinto's Archive

Here are my pointers and prognostications regarding the top automation technology and market trends that will gain traction

in the coming year.


* Industrial Wireless:

  Industrial wireless networks will quickly become integrated  with standard plant and office networks. Beyond just wire

  replacement, there are lots of applications which will contribute to substantial market growth.


* Embedded intelligence & diagnostics:

  Embedded operating information and self-diagnostics will minimize the need for scarce and expensive factory-service.


* Machine-to-machine (M2M) communications:

  M2M will unleash a wave of productivity previously unseen - improved asset-management, and enhanced service initiatives.


* Automation system Security:

  Most of today's automation & control systems use the same hardware, operating systems, and communications as broadly

  deployed networks. Security has become an urgent issue.


* Consumer tech in industrial automation:

  Internet access via cellular phones, handheld PDAs and the  like, is inevitably rubbing off in industrial environments.

  Specifically-industrial software applications are coming.


Success will come to the companies that understand how to combine and coordinate new technology, new thinking and

effective solutions for customers in global markets. - 2008 Pinto's Pointers - Technologies & Markets:


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