Monday, July 15, 2024
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Jim Pinto's Connections for Growth & Success

Cheap worldwide telephone calls

by Jim Pinto | from Pinto's Archive

In the last issue of eNews, we discussed worldwide free telephone calls with Skype. Lots of good feedback. But, what about those who'd like to make telephone calls without a computer?

The recent availability of VOIP (voice-over-Internet-protocol) has indeed made a BIG difference with telephone call pricing. Many telephone companies now have plans that match any cellphone service - unlimited calls to anywhere in the US for a fixed monthly charge. The best known, Vonage will give you special equipment to use with a CableTV connection to do the same for an even lower price, still using your regular telephone equipment.

Hey, until recently I've been calling friends and family in India via AT&T for $ 0.35 per minute and England for $ 0.09 a minute. Well, I discovered that Reliance - one of the largest telephone companies in India - has an excellent, low-cost telephone service for calls between the US, Canada, UK and India.

It's easy to use - works like this: you call a toll-free number and identify yourself with a PIN (or, if you're on your home telephone, it reads your caller-ID and knows its you). You then dial the number in India, and voila, you're connected at $ 0.12 a minute (about 1/3 the AT&T cost).

There are a couple of ways to pay - you can be billed monthly, or (as I do) I pay $ 25.00 or $ 50.00 (via the web). When I call, a pleasant voice tells me how many minutes I have available.

Here's another interesting trick - it's easy to fumble a long country-code city-code local-number (011 plus 12 digits for most countries). But, via the Reliance website, you can preset the primary numbers you dial as codes - so, when I call my brother in India now, I push one digit (my quick dial for the Reliance 866 number) and when it responds, I push another digit (the preset number); the voice tells me how many minutes I have with my already-paid balance, and I'm connected.

You can do the same to call the UK (a separate toll-free number). You know what, I talked with my brother Paul for 95 minutes the other day and it cost me about 2 bucks. Wow!

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