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Religious Conflicts - when will they ever end?

by Jim Pinto | from Pinto's Archive

I can't think of ANY conflict in the world today that involves anything other than Religion. But perhaps it's just cultural conflict under the convenient guise of Religion.

Here's a list of the top-12 world religions Source:

  1. Christianity: 2.1 billion (1.1 billion Catholics)
  2. Islam: 1.5 billion
  3. Secular/Nonreligious/Agnostic/Atheist: 1.1 billion
  4. Hinduism: 900 million
  5. Chinese traditional: 394 million
  6. Buddhism: 376 million
  7. Primal-indigenous: 300 million
  8. African Traditional & Diasporic: 100 million
  9. Sikhism: 23 million
  10. Juche: 19 million
  11. Spiritism: 15 million
  12. Judaism: 14 million
It's interesting to note that Judaism accounts for only 14 million - some 50% less even than Sikhism.

Sadly, the world's two largest religions, Christianity and Islam seem to be increasingly in conflict.

Tom McFaul, professor of ethics and religious studies, explores 3 possible scenarios regarding whether world religions will bring greater peace and justice or more hatred and hostility.

  • Scenario 1 - Exclusivism: I'm Right and You're Wrong
  • Scenario 2 - Pluralism: Despite Differences, We Can Live Together
  • Scenario 3 - Inclusivism: We're Becoming One Family
McFaul concludes, "The most probable future is this: From now until 2025, Exclusivism will increase. Between 2025 and 2050, Pluralism will gradually replace it."

Beyond this futile futurist thinking, today the mass of humanity continues to subsist on the edge of starvation, largely ignored by the media and the wealthy, and catered to only by extremists, religious zealots and political demagogues who incite ever more dangerous unrest. Within the next few years, perhaps decades, these worlds will collide.

While disaster looms, the vast majority remains silent, feeling like helpless onlookers completely incapable of doing anything. And this leaves the minority fringes, the extremists, those who are willing to sacrifice everything - even their lives, acting from an utter sense of despair.

The conventional hard solutions are completely inadequate - tanks and warplanes cannot stop suicide bombers. The war with Iraq, and now the possibility of conflict with Iran, clearly runs the risk of being the fuse that ignites far greater conflagrations. The world understands only the two obvious possible motivations - Religion, or Oil.

How many millions must die before the paradigm shifts? What is the catalyst that will signal the recognition that no one is right or wrong?

Handling conflicts in religious beliefs;
Past conflicts that have been settled

Center for Reduction of Religious-Based Conflict

Religions are a divisive force in the world

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