Monday, July 15, 2024
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Who will GE acquire?

by Jim Pinto | from Pinto's Archive

You know the expression, "A rising tide floats all boats". Well most industrial automation companies are doing well now, and this signals the distinct possibility that more major acquisitions are in the wind.

Rockwell Automation 07 revenue was up 10% at $5B with income of $ 600M. With some questionable acquisitions in the UK, now the subject of angry rants (from disgruntled employees who have no other way to vent) on the weblogs. Rockwell is an acquisition target for either ABB or GE.

ABB has a lot of process systems (via Bailey, and other acquisitions) but not much of the PLC-base that Rockwell brings. Unless Rockwell itself makes a BIG acquisition soon (not the systems integrators and minor plays it has made recently) it'll become a bite for the biggies.

Meanwhile, GE has GE-Fanuc (PLCs and software from the Intellution and other acquisitions) but no DCS process systems. Invensys is dangling in the wind, within reach.

GE-Fanuc Automation website

Rockwell Weblog - read latest & include your own comments

GE Fanuc Takes Aim at Process Automation with Proficy

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