Keeping an Eye on Technology Futures, No Hidden Agendas, New Attitudes, No Platitudes!
The Artisan values detailed analysis, skill and experience - typically engineers. The Organizer is most effective at developing policies and retaining the status quo - typically financial people. This type of person is needed in times of stability, but is often a big impediment to organizations that require courage to take risks in times of fast-moving change. The Warrior is useful during times of turmoil, when tactical changes must be enforced and personnel reductions become necessary.
The Gamesman values strategic overviews and thrives on rapidly moving tactical changes. In today's rapidly changing business environment, Gamesman strengths are most recruited for top-level positions.
Today's business is a game on a global playing field. Employees are not hourly-paid pawns, but sophisticated knowledge-workers, actively involved to win against fierce worldwide competition. They want to know the game-plan, to see how they can participate and contribute. They want to be challenged - to have fun.
At Action Instruments, the employee-owned company I founded, we had a basic theme, "Let's have some fun and make some money." It's important for businesses to have fun. All things being equal, a business that makes money consistently is much more fun. This is an attitude that feeds on itself - the businesses that win have fun, and businesses that have fun tend to be winners.
Focus on creating a positive and productive business environment, help individual players to flourish, and have fun. Wins will come.
Review & Buy - Michael Maccoby's Book, The Gamesman
Automation World - Winning in a new business environment