Monday, July 15, 2024
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Charity - where does it begin? And end?

by Jim Pinto | from Pinto's Archive

By world standards, most of the people reading this are wealthy. So, given that we have more than most, how much should we give as Charity?

What exactly is Charity? Is it an obligation, or does it stem from guilt? How much should I give and to who? And, who sets the parameters - Religion? Society? Family? Relatives? Country club? Should we heed the pleas of the preacher, or simply keep up with the Joneses?

You can melt when you see the pitiful pictures of poor orphans in some far away place. But perhaps you should know exactly how much of your donation actually goes to those orphans AFTER all the marketing and administrative salaries have been paid and the expenses for TV advertising and sales brochures have been deducted. Ask your favorite charity for that percentage. You'll be surprised.

Most charities take care to remind you that your gift is tax deductible. So, does that encourage you to give more, or does it discount the value of your giving?

Lots of charitable dollars - especially from the wealthy, who have the most to donate - are going to operas, art museums, symphonies, and theaters where they spend much of their leisure time. These aren't really charitable contributions; they're more like investments in the lifestyles the wealthy already enjoy. They're also investments in prestige - especially if they result in the family name engraved on the new wing of the art museum or symphony hall. Anyone who has his or her name advertised as a benefactor already receives the benefit of recognition. Let's not call it charity and make it tax deductible in the bargain.

Charity is something that comes from within. I have come to the conclusion that charity is only charity when you give goods, services or money without personal gain, benefit or recognition of any kind. True charity is anonymous. It begins and ends within your self.

Charity - where does it begin, and end?

Bill Clinton's new book - GIVING

When Charity Shouldn't Begin at Home

Charity Navigator - Find a Charity You Can Trust

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