Monday, July 15, 2024
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Jim Pinto's Connections for Growth & Success

Collaboration is a key growth enabler

by Jim Pinto | from Pinto's Archive

With continued, accelerating change, companies can achieve significantly more through collaboration. This means the sharing of business information, joint planning and projections with suppliers and customers - and perhaps even suppliers' suppliers and customers' customers.

Collaboration brings major benefits for all the companies involved. The Harvard Business Review reports that a 5% increase in customer retention can result in a 25% to 95% increase in profits from collaborative relationships.

An effective enterprise collaboration solution must provide the technical systems links for people to work together in distributed, intra- and inter-company teams. Effective communications must be enabled across distance, time zones, and company borders, encouraging team members to discuss, analyze and review collaboratively. This is a key enabler, allowing companies to react more quickly to changes in supply and demand.

Expand your horizons, by expanding the borders of your company through collaboration. The question is, who can your company collaborate with? The answer is relatively simple: your best suppliers, and your best customers.

In the next few years your enterprise will be collaborative, or it won't exist at all.

Jim Pinto - Collaboration Strategies fuel Growth & Success

Creating a Collaboration Strategy

Book - The Stakeholder Strategy
Profiting from Collaborative Business Relationships

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