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Solutions to America's continuing problems

by Jim Pinto | from Pinto's Archive

Some of my friends and email respondents have asked - why do you keep harping on America's problems? Where's your patriotism? Why don't you discuss only solutions? Here is my response:

Unlike many, who are American by accident of birth, I am an American by choice. I was born in India, lived in the UK for about 10 years and moved to the US about 40 years ago. I started Action Instruments in San Diego, California, and ran it for about 30 years, till I retired. I consider myself a patriotic American and an ardent Capitalist. This is the best country in the world, bar none.

Regarding my patriotism in discussing America's flaws. Think on this: Who would you consider more patriotic: The person who points out the cracks in the bridge? Or the one who shrugs it off? The one who is concerned about a vast, burgeoning deficit? Or one who ignores it? The person who is concerned about education and healthcare? Or one who is to busy to bother?

There are, of course, no simple solutions to these continuing problems - which is why they continue. As one tries to review the underlying problems, the discussion very quickly becomes philosophical. So, permit me some philosophizing.

Our current problems CANNOT be solved politically. Most of them can ONLY be solved through solutions that will be very unpopular - raising taxes NOW (rather than putting the burden, and the jeopardy, on the future). So the politicians fiddle, while America burns.

Most people feel powerless to do anything. So, how will this stop? Not by a bridge collapsing, or 10 bridges, or 10 Katrinas. These only cause politicians speeches, and band-aid solutions, while the rest of the country and the world continues, busy with local and personal problems.

REAL change comes in one of two ways: FAST from the outside, through large cataclysmic events. Or, SLOW - through steady pressures that obsoletes old power systems. History has many lessons. The Roman, British , Turkish and Spanish Empires - all considered themselves invincible - till they declined, crumbling from the inside.

A little more than a century ago, America was a new country of immigrants. Few thought it would be a world power. Now we think we are invincible, while our power is eaten away from the inside. Our Democracy becomes an Oligarchy (government by a privileged few). The flaws cause cracks, and change occurs.

But we CAN make a difference. America's strength comes from its eclectic population. Its citizens from many different countries recognize problems and develop solutions that strengthen the country as a whole. In this third American century, our country will thrive through its dynamic diversity.

There are no easy solutions. But it's important to think and discuss these things. That's how we move towards solutions.

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