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Jim Pinto's Connections for Growth & Success

Redefining leadership in global business

by Jim Pinto | from Pinto's Archive

The concept of strong leadership primarily at a central HQ location is outdated. Depth and breadth of leadership is critical to growth and success.

In the past, leaders used corporate mandated ground rules to get results. Many large global corporations operate this way. But today, that no longer works, especially with knowledge workers in multinational environments.

Today, good leaders find that a sensitive and sharing approach is much more effective. There's clearly a direct connection between employee involvement in all global locations and overall corporate profitability. To achieve this, leadership must be re-defined.

All employees become part of teams and share in setting mutual goals rather than being forced to achieve remotely imposed goals. The team shares in the feeling of success and the rewards. Local groups cannot be penalized for failures in other, remote locations. And yet, a spirit of company-wide teamwork is important.

Today's leaders are called upon to exceed goals by maximizing diverse strengths and resources that tap into the growth and success of local markets in the global arena.

Read my latest article, "Redefining Leadership" in the latest (August 2007) issue of Automation World.

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