Monday, July 15, 2024
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Jim Pinto's Connections for Growth & Success

Book: The Strategy Paradox

by Jim Pinto | from Pinto's Archive

Strategy Paradox Everyone knows the old saying "risk vs. reward". But how many businesses really manage their risks to generate rewards?

Executives and managers know that success depends on choices based on assumptions about the future which cannot be predicted. The "collision between commitment and uncertainty" creates THE STRATEGY PARADOX. This is the title of the new book by Michael Raynor, coauthor of bestselling "Innovator's Solution".

Ambitious, bold managers take big risks, for greater rewards. Conservative managers hope that the future will bring more clues about which direction to take, and they wait - usually till it's too late. Most managers shy away from bold commitments, sacrificing the possibilities for greatness, for a chance of mere survival.

Michael Raynor, explains how leaders can beat this tradeoff. Here are some of his suggestions:

  • The CEO should not be evaluated on the company's performance, but rather on the strategic risk profile
  • The CEO should not drive results, but manage uncertainty
  • Business unit leaders should not focus on execution, but on making strategic choices
  • Line managers should not worry about strategic risk, but devote themselves to delivering on commitments
Raynor's book includes case studies of success and failure at Sony, Microsoft, Johnson & Johnson, AT&T and other major companies in many different businesses. It presents a framework for strategic action.

Business leaders at all levels - this is a good book to read.

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