Monday, July 15, 2024
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Jim Pinto's Connections for Growth & Success

The caterpillar pillar

by Jim Pinto | from Pinto's Archive

There's another point I'd like to make, related to my mention of people like Bill Gates and Warren Buffet. Many people develop wisdom at some time in their life, while others never quite "get" it.

My point is best explained through the "caterpillar pillar" parable which was told to me many years ago. Through the power of web search, I found the story. You can read the long version using the weblink below. Here's the Pinto summary:

    This caterpillar was crawling around learning about life, when he saw lots of other caterpillars crawling up a great pillar, as if there was something up at the top. So, he crawled up too - because everyone else was crawling up. As he got higher, he noticed that the caterpillars were stepping on each other to climb up the pillar. So he too climbed aggressively.

    As he continued to crawl upwards, he noticed some caterpillars crawling down. "Don't bother," they said, "there's nothing up there". It turns out that they were simply climbing up a pillar which was nothing but other caterpillars.

    The story ends with our caterpillar coming back down to the bottom and learning how to become a butterfly.

This little parable has helped me in my own progress through life. I hope it'll help you.

Well, apparently Warren Buffet has climbed that pillar. Here's his advice to all the caterpillars struggling to get to the top.

  • Stay away from credit cards and invest in yourself.
  • Money doesn't create man; it is man who creates money.
  • Live your life as simple as you are.
  • Don't do what others say, listen to them, but do what you feel is good.
  • Don't go on brand name; wear those things which make you feel comfortable.
  • Don't waste your money on unnecessary things; spend on what you really need.
  • After all it's your life; why let others rule it?
Our illusion that the super-rich are "happy" at the top has been shattered many, many times. And yet, there are some of us who still strive to climb that pillar.

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