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Jim Pinto's Connections for Growth & Success

Pinto podcasts feature new robot speaker

by Jim Pinto | from Pinto's Archive

I've been podcasting eNews regularly for over a year - since March 2006 - and some 300+ people seem to listen. Indeed, those who subscribe to these podcasts over Apple iTunes and other RSS services, seem to like "automatic" downloads when they connect, to listen later, when they're ready.

My old friend and colleague, Rob Henley (now President of fast growing San Diego based IOSELECT) told me the other day that he was driving somewhere out in the world on a sales trip, listening to his iPOD downloads, when suddenly Jim Pinto's voice came on with an eNews podcast. I gather it was a pleasant surprise.

Well anyway, recording these audio podcasts is a chore - it takes only about 20 minutes to speak a spontaneous summary of the eNews. But, editing it down to the final 12-15 minutes is something I don't particularly enjoy. I have an Indian-English-American accent; Americans think I have an English accent, my British friends say I sound Indian, and in India they're not quite sure where I'm from. I speak too fast, and then there are a lot of pauses and repetitions which I have to edit out. The podcast process takes me at least a couple of hours. You know, it's so much easier to edit text - my software does the spell-check and grammar corrections.

But hey, now I've hired a robot to read eNews, and convert it automatically into an MP3 podcast. So, listen to the latest eNews podcast. I'll introduce Jimbot (my robot speaker) and then he'll continue to read this issue of eNews. Please forgive some of his pronunciation problems (he's still learning) and also I'm getting a better voice for him soon.

So, listen to the latest eNews #233, 12 July 2007 - podcast, or download and save the MP3 file. Tell me whether you like Jimbot, and how you think he can improve. Please send me an email (click the link below) to let me know.

I like to e-hear from you and will ALWAYS respond.
Please e-send your news, views and stews, your tips and alerts.
If smell something fishy in your pond, please e-let Jim know and I'll check it out.

If you have comments or suggestions for Growth & Success News, please contact me directly at :