Monday, July 15, 2024
Useful Resources for Brilliant Manufacturing, Operational & Industrial Intelligence Technology Enthusiasts!

Automation, Control & Plant Intelligence - Articles, Analysis, Reviews, Interviews & Views

Automation Media's Contributor

George Jewell

George joined eFlex Systems in Rochester Hills, MI in 2011 after 17 years with General Motors Powertrain Manufacturing.

Before leaving GM he was responsible for Powertrain Assembly System Controls and provided leadership for development of a global standard that targeted flexibility. As Vice President at eFlex systems, he manages the product planning, development and support teams. For 25 years, he has worked with manufacturing systems - from machine tool build to plant floor IT systems.

In recent years, he has determined that better use of technology can greatly assist manufacturers on their journey to lean systems. George has an undergraduate degree in engineering from Northern Michigan University and an MS in Manufacturing Operations from Kettering University.

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