Saturday, May 18, 2024
Useful Resources for Brilliant Manufacturing, Operational & Industrial Intelligence Technology Enthusiasts!

Automation, Control & Plant Intelligence - Articles, Analysis, Reviews, Interviews & Views

Careers: Operational Technology/OT, Automation, Controls

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q: Should I discuss pay at my job interviews?

As a general rule of thumb, you don’t want to discuss pay at your job interviews. If you are contacted for a second interview or made a job offer that is the time to ask about specifics. You can also try to find out what the offer will be, at least a ballpark figure, before you apply.

Q: What questions should I ask at the end of a job interview?

Always ask a couple of questions at the end of the job interview. If they didn’t tell you, ask when you can expect to hear back from them. You can also ask why the job is currently available. If you feel comfortable with the person you can even ask what they like most about working for the company.

Q: Should I take a job that is less than I wanted?

It can be a hard decision to take a job that you aren’t sure you want or not. Do you really need the money coming in? Are there things you can learn from that position? Can you use it as a stepping stone to later on get the job you really want? As you answer such questions you will be able to decide to accept it or to pass it.

Q: Is it acceptable to fib on my resume to get a job?

While it may be tempting, always tell the truth when you are applying for a job.

Q: Should I relocate for work?

Sometimes you will find better job opportunities somewhere else. However, you need to compare their cost of living with the pay because you may not be able to make ends meet.

Q: Is there really a hidden job market out there?

The hidden job market does exist but it is right before your eyes. These are jobs not readily advertised online or through help wanted ads. Talk to your circle of contacts about your job search and chances are several opportunities will result from doing so.

Q: What are employers looking for?

Employers want people that are willing to work and that have a positive attitude. They are also interested in those that have the basic skills necessary to complete the job requirements. Make sure you read all of the criteria before you apply for any job to make sure you are a viable candidate for it.

Q: How long after sending in a resume should I contact the employer?

Give an employer at least three business days from when you submit your resume to when you contact them. If you have mailed it in, give them at least five business days.

Q: How long after a job interview should I follow up with the employer?

Immediately follow up with a written thank you note. You can also contact them in a timely manner to see about the job by phone. Try to get a timeframe that they will make their decision in so that you know when to contact them.

Q: Is the internet a good way to find a job?

The internet has listings for thousands of jobs. It is a great resource because you can use it at any time. It doesn’t take long to search for them or to email your resume to apply for them either.

Q: Do I need to submit a resume if I completed a job application?

It is very professional for you to submit a resume with your completed job application. Get into the habit of doing so, and even sending a cover letter with them as well.

Q: How early should I show up for a job interview?

Showing up for a job interview about 10 to 15 minutes early shows that you are very serious about the job. It shows that you will be responsible and punctual should you be hired.

Q: Should I include my email address on my resume?

With the technology we have today, it is acceptable to place your email address on your resume if you like. If you decide to add it, place it towards the top with your name and phone number.

Q: How do I get a job if I have limited work experience?

It can be harder to get a job with limited work experience, but not impossible. Focus on your education, volunteer work, skills, and why you are motivated to work for their company. Many employers feel that they want people with the right attitude on their staff – they can teach them the rest.

Q: How do I avoid being labeled as overqualified for a job?

Toning down your resume can help you to get passed this. You can also express how passionate you are for this type of work. That shows you are more satisfied with what you can do there than seeking out other types of work that you are more qualified for.

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